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In order to increase the overall effectiveness of your program, we would like to collect the below information: 您好!為能更有效按參加者的需要設計合宜的訓練內容,我們誠意邀請閣下填寫以下表格。
Organization Name 團體名稱
Contact Information 聯絡人資料
Training Objective 目的
Tentative Course Date 目標活動日期
Course Duration 活動時間
Course Venue 活動地點
Background of Participants 參加對象
Age and No. of Participants 參加者年齡及人數
Male 男 : Subtotal 小計
Female 女 : Subtotal 小計
Total 總計
No. of Accompanying Staff 隨隊職員人數
Preferred Training Tools 期望使用的訓練形式
Delivery Language 語言
Meal 膳食
Transportation 交通
Do the majority of participants know each other? 大部分的參加者互相認識嗎?
What adventure activities have participants (majority) attended before? 參加者(大部分)參與過什麼歷奇活動?
Other Remarks 其他備註
Please kindly return to us after completion. We will reply to you as soon as possible. For any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you. 填妥後,請交本中心為您跟進。如有其他查詢,請來電與我們聯絡。謝謝。